Baked Potato and Sauteed Lemon-Garlic Asparagus

I've been recently trying to eat more veggies so I decided to try out an asparagus recipe! We also had some left over potatoes so I decided to cook this yummy meal. This recipe is for 2 people. Enjoy!

2 potatoes
1 bunch of asparagus (I used about 15 stalks)
olive oil
sea salt
minced garlic (either 3 cloves or 1.5 tsp)
sour cream (or 0% fat plain greek yogurt to be more healthy!)
lemon juice (optional)
cheese (optional)
pepper (optional)

The first step of this meal is to preheat the oven to 350. Scrub/wash each potato under cold water and cut out any bruises (also make sure its not oddly colored). Next, deeply pierce each potato multiple times with a fork. Fun fact: If you skip poking the potato, it will explode in your oven! Lets try to avoid that mess :) Finally, rub the potato with olive oil and sprinkle salt onto the skin. Place the potatoes on a foil-lined cookie sheet (the foil makes the clean up easier) and set in your oven for an hour and 10 minutes. 

Grab a glass of wine and kick back for the next 40 minutes! (but try to remember to turn the potatoes over about half way through)

About a half hour before the potatoes are done, start preparing the asparagus. If you are only using part of the bunch of asparagus (like me), try to choose the more skinny stalks, as they will cook better. To battle against our asparagus turning an ugly brown color, I quickly learned how to "blanch". Blanching the asparagus is totally optional, but green asparagus give a better presentation than brown. To blanch, boil a pot of water and throw the asparagus in for a minute. After a minute, use tongs to retrieve the asparagus and place into a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process. Let the asparagus sit for a few minutes, dry, and now we are ready to saute!

Pour about 2 tsp. of oil in your pan and place over medium/low heat. Next, add the 1.5 tsp of garlic on the pan, along with your dry asparagus. Cover and occasionally stir for about 10 minutes. I was about half way through when I decided at the spur of the moment to throw in some lemon juice (lime juice would also be yummy). If you like your asparagus on the mushy side, feel free to cook for longer. Keep an eye on the asparagus because my garlic started burning, in which case I lowered the temp.

By this time the potatoes should be done. If your fork can easily push through the potato, or if the potato starts to tear when you squeeze the middle (with cooking gloves on!) your potato is ready! Serve with sour cream on top (or if you are in a healthy mood, 0% fat plain greek yogurt tastes exactly the same for less calories!), cheese, salt/pepper to taste, and don't forget your asparagus! Enjoy!

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